Mobile Alabama

Road Trip Part 1 (Mobile, Alabama and New Orleans) by Mohamed Boraie

Since last week was little busy with Wedding and Engagement sessions, I did not have a chance to do a culture event in the DC area. So, this week's blog will be about my travel experience over the summer in the US. 

In June 2014 my wife and I packed our car as full as it could be for our two month trip around the US. Our first leg of the journey was from Charlottesville, Virginia to Palm Coast, Florida, an almost 12 hour drive. We stopped at North Carolina at the visitor center to take a pictures and have lunch.

We got to spend some quality time with the family including helping my wife's little brother get a library card (his first book he took out was Brave New World) and visiting her grandmother. 

Just because we might never have a chance (or a reason) to visit again, we stopped in Mobile, Alabama for dinner and took pictures in front if the USS Alabama.

Then we drove to New Orleans for two nights of music and food. On our last night in New Orleans a gay pride parade went past while we were waiting to eat at Deanie’s Seafood (which has an awesome food...really recommended it).

Till next week!

Some of the pictures are taken with GOPRO